How I Work

mom speaksThe Evolution of my Clinic on the Road

When I first set up my clinic it was with the intention that clients would come to me. However it didn’t take long to realize that having to go to a clinic is extremely challenging for families with brain disorders. Since stress is a large contributor in all health problems, adding to the stress load seemed counter to my objective: healthy clients.

~~Because I will do just about anything to give you the information I believe in, I also create fun videos you can watch over and over, sharing actionable autism tips with magic tricks! Autism Tips With Tricks: check them out, and watch with your whole family.~~

Autism Tips With Tricks #1: YOU KEEP WHAT YOU KEEP YOUR EYE ON

Please feel comfortable contacting me to learn more or to schedule an outreach. We can chat on the phone, via email, or on Skype. However you’re most comfortable (or capable).
Email: Phone: 713-213-7682

All Brains Grow | At Home Therapy For Your Child With You As The Expert

When I first created my clinic on the road I knew I was onto something life changing. I knew I would meet people around the world and we would love and change each other. But I don’t think I anticipated how many people! And I did not expect to ignite a passion for behavior and the brain that equaled mine in anyone. But Louloua (see Our Specialists page) was ignited. Since our years together she has helped herself and her family, worked with clients around the world, and written her first book From Client to Clinician: The Transformative Power of Neurofeedback Therapy for Families Living with Autism and Other Special Needs.

And because she agrees that having these tools, this knowlege, in your home is a vital part of growing healthy brains, we have worked together to bring you an online course, Heavenly Homes, that was built exclusively for that reason. To bring the necessary knowledge to you, in your home, in order to help you create an environment built for intentional growth, peace, and skill building. You know, a heaven at home kind of environment.

With fun instructional videos, downloadable content, access to both Louloua and I, a virtual community of parents and caregivers to safely chat with on the site, All Brains Grow is a powerful way to access most of what my clinic on the road had to offer, without requiring my coming out of retirement. We continue to work hard at making learning fun, memorable, and meaningful for you and your children. Please take advantage of us. 😉

Everything is available via the All Brains Grow Website.

Follow this link: All Brains Grow


Alternate Program:


A Cost Effective (possibly no cost to you!) way to have Lynette come to your home and do an outreach with you and your team! Follow this link to learn more!!!

Learn more about the new IN HOME PARENT PROGRAM


UPDATE: I am no longer accepting new clients. However, I am happy to mentor and consult with your team. So, although it is no longer me who will be flying to your home, I am still doing the work of teaching people how and why my clinic on the road works. Also, you can watch my international reality docu-series FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD if you’d like to see it all in action. I suggest you do! Okay, back to the story of how my outreaches evolved and why they work:

Generally speaking, the field of mental health is set up as a repeat business. Since this is counter to the intention of healing people, I knew I needed to create a different template for my work.  I had already helped droves of friends and relatives from home because the equipment was handy in the moment of need. So it occurred to me that ‘in homes’ is where the therapy should be. I was delighted at the thought of outfitting people with the ability to help their children ‘in the moment’ of an attack, meltdown or seizure rather than telling them to call my secretary and make an appointment. This ‘need’ for accessibility with no or minimal increased costs over time is especially relevant when the problem is degenerative like Parkinson’s, and/or complex like autism, necessitating that the client do many, many, many sessions.

Another advantage to home therapy is the ability to train whole families, classrooms and communities. Since emotional and mental illness is often held in place by the people in one’s environment, affecting the environment in such a hands on way has proved invaluable to the success of each client. Thus, I have been able to spread the healing with greater and greater effectiveness to communities throughout the world. Thus my business evolved to look like this:

I fly to you (unless you live close, then I drive).

Autism Tips With Tricks #2:  THERE IS NO BOX

Stay in a hotel and work in your home 8 hours a day for a bare minimum of 3 days.  Most families come to me from word of mouth so they have usually purchased the approved (by me) software before I arrive. During my time with the family (or group) I asses every brain, do neurofeedback on every person, create protocols for each of them, teach the basic skills necessary to follow my directions over the internet after I leave, teach behavioral techniques that will enhance your results as well as counsel to the dynamics of the group and how it could function more efficiently. If you have a special needs person in the home or classroom who is the main focus of the outreach, I spend about three to four hours with them playing (according to age) and doing sessions. After I leave, and we all recuperate, you take over where I left off.  I guide all my clients from the internet—which is free for life– once the program is begun.  As you can see, it is my intention to do my job so well that you become independent and cease to need me.

I admit that things go smoother and quicker when I come back regularly. I also admit that I love coming back regularly and watching the beauty unfold in your home or community. However, distance guided clinical grade neurofeedback home training and program advice is an expensive buy. Many people have to fundraise to get started and only a select few can afford return visits. Thus I have become skilled at advising from afar. If we stay at it – even over the miles – you can reach your happy, healthy goals with minimal ongoing cost.

Autism Tips With Tricks #3: WHEN THEY LEARN, WE LEARN

It is important to note that though autism is my specialty I work with all disorders. I began my neurofeedback training in a brain rehab clinic but already had extensive knowledge in autism due to my life experiences and my certification in play for autism. It was a perfect background to healing large groups with diverse issues and disorders. Thus no problem is too small, (better test score, happier in love) or too big (stroke, cerebral palsy, autism). Whether your fringe members have developmental issues, brain trauma or peak performance desires we (my daughters help whenever the budget allows) can help them while we help the primary client, all for the same amount of money.

And that’s why some people call me THE BRAIN BROAD! Because I break with convention and go for the end result instead of the revolving door.


My international docu-series, FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD, is the best way to truly watch me work.

FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Season 1 from Lynette Louise on YouTube.

To reiterate: All members of a group lean on and reinforce each other so change requires a global approach … it is only when change is applied to the entire group that everyone grows happier, clearer and more capable.

It costs the same to treat the whole family as it does to treat one member.

No location is out of reach; we travel everywhere.

You learn to use home neurofeedback units.

Clients are grandfathered in, thus fees remain the same for that client for life and are not listed on the website.

Follow up via email is free for life. (Mine: wink!)

As the mom of eight now grown kids, five of whom had special needs, it is my goal to teach you how to help yourself and your loved ones so that you can become independent of our services.

It is my intention to give you what I had hoped could be given to me.

Please feel comfortable contacting me to learn more and to schedule a consultation.
Email: Phone: 713-213-7682
Looking forward to meeting you and your clan,

Lynette Louise


Note: My intention with each family is to work myself out of a job. Because then I can help someone else…and so can you. ~lynette